The seventh and penultimate day of competition is over. And what a day it was: bright sunshine, perfect atmosphere and strong performances with medal decisions in a total of 23 sports. Here you can find a selection of our pictures and videos of the day.
Yesterday, some outdoor sports had to be postponed or even canceled due to heavy rain. But the saying seems to be true: After the rain comes the sun.
And the Berliners did not need a second invitation. From the beginning, many thousands of enthusiastic spectators were present at our venues today.
They experienced top-class sport and enthusiasm, including a tear or two of joy – both in front of the stands and on them.
This additional motivation was just the right thing for the last day of competition in 16 of our 26 sports. Tomorrow, the athletes in badminton, basketball 3x3, gymnastics-artistic, cycling, equestrian, tennis and athletics will have their last go.
You want to know when your favorite sports are taking place and how the competitions turned out?
All detailed schedules and as soon as they are fixed also all results are available here:
You want more information about individual athletes?
Here you can search for your favorites:
And now we say good night with the most beautiful shots of the day: