Countdown to the Games
17-25 June 2023

Half time! Four of eight competition days are over

The photo shows a scene from the handball game, where a Hungarian player in a white jersey is about to throw with his arm almost outstretched.
Hungary vs Denmark Handball Mens Team Competition Special Olympics World Games Berlin 2023, 21.06.2023 Photo: LOC/Marvin Ibo Güngör
Marvin Ibo Güngör/LOC/Marvin Ibo Güngör

The fourth day of the Games is already behind us with exciting competitions in 22 sports. If you have not managed to come by or watch us on TV yet, you should get to it – it is definitely worth it. Here you can find a selection of our pictures and videos of the day.

Our athletes continue to inspire us with top performances and an unsurpassable energy that carries away the audience.

But in case you cannot be there live, here is an overview of the TV coverage.

The photo shows a horse show during the World Games, when two vaulting athletes are doing a lifting figure on a horse.
Marvin Ibo Guengoer

By the way, the day ended colorful and entertaining for the audience of equestrian with a show program in the arena at the Olympic Stadium, which was filled to maximum capacity.

All actors, including some of the horses, were dressed up in costumes. Mermaids rode through the arena and horses wore dungarees.

The participants from the RPC Düsseldorf performed tricks on the back of their horse TipTop.


The photo shows a Spanish swimmer at the finish of the pool. She is holding onto the starting block with one hand while cheering with the other. She looks very happy doing this!
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The picture shows Australian athlete Karen on herbrown horse called Fanny competing in dressage. Horse and rider look very concentrated.
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The photo shows several cyclists in colorful jerseys. They look very concentrated, but here and there some are smiling.
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The photo shows the start of a swim race, with several athletes in different swimsuit colors taking a dynamic dive into the water.
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Das Foto zeigt mehrere Spielerinnen eines Handballspiels, die nach einem erfolgreichen Wurf jubelnd zurück Richtung Mittelkreis laufen. Dabei freuen sie sich und strecken ihre Arme nach oben in Siegerpose.
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A lady in the stands supporting her team in the powerlifting competition showing thum-ups
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A basketball laying on the blue court with players in the background
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The photo shows a Greek cyclist crossing the finish line of the road race with the Brandenburg Tor in the background. She is  looks very happy to have reached the finish line right away.
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The photo shows Philipp Lahm and Celia Sasic on the sidelines. They are looking at the pitch with interest.
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Volleyball match of Mongolia and team Italy playing
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Saifullah Solangi from Pakistan running towards his coach and celebrating with big smile on his face
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You want to know when your favorite sports are taking place and how the competitions turned out?

All detailed schedules and as soon as they are fixed also all results are available here:



You want more information about individual athletes?

Here you can search for your favorites:



And now we say good night with the most beautiful shots of the day:

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#Berlin2023: Day 4


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