Countdown to the Games
17-25 June 2023

The exciting journey of our volunteers begins

The photo shows a volunteer from behind. She is taking a photo of three other volunteers.
Special Olympics World Games 2023 Schönefeld 12.06.2023 Ankunft der Delegationen / Teams am Flughafen BER Team USA Foto: Tilo Wiedensohler/camera4

Our volunteers are an indispensable part of the Special Olympics World Games Berlin 2023. A total of 16,000 volunteers are going to be in action, and some have already started in various working areas.

All volunteers have a common start: they collect their documents and clothing from the Uniform Distribution and Accredidation Center, or UDAC for short.

Just behind the entrance to Hall 10.2, the gates open to a large hall filled with desks, boxes of clothing and lots of volunteers.

The picture shows the volunteer Ines proudly standing in front of the material distribution stand. In the background, there are many stacked boxes with information brochures that have not yet been unpacked.

One of them is Ines, who ensures at a large desk that all the volunteers receive their information material.

She has already done several volunteer assignments in sports and is very excited to be at the Games: "I like sports and am especially looking forward to the contact with many friendly people at the Special Olympics."

Right next to her, volunteer Bernd beams friendly at the visitors: "It was a spontaneous decision to participate here." Above all, he is enthusiastic about the good organization of the Games and is looking forward to get in contact with the participants. "I would like to help overcome hurdles."

It was a spontaneous decision to participate here.
The picture shows Volunteer Bernd sitting and smiling in his purple uniform at the volunteer materials distribution booth.
Key Volunteer at the UDAC

So far, almost 6,000 volunteers have checked in and many are already on duty at the world's largest sports event for people with intellectual and multiple disabilities. The remaining 10,000 will follow in the next few days – all starting at UDAC.

Benran from Bangladesh is one of them. He is assigned as a key volunteer in transportation. "Back home, I have been involved in many events. That's why I was very interested in the Berlin Games," he said. For Benran, it will be his first experience with our athletes. He is very much looking forward to expanding his knowledge.

The photo shows the entrance of the UDAC, where all volunteers are warmly welcomed. Two team members are sitting at an information table and give first information.
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The photo shows two women having their picture taken in front of a wall with the sponsors of the Special Olympics World Games 2023 Berlin. They smile friendly into the camera.
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The photo shows a volunteer from behind. On his T-shirt is written "Key Volunteer" and the motto of the World Games: Unbeatable Together!
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In the photo there is a crowd of people. In front of them are large screens on which a World Games movie is played. The people are mostly volunteers.
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The photo shows a funny mascot (stuffed animal) in volunteer uniform with a long nose, purple t-shirt and white baseball cap.
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The picture shows the entrance area of the UDAC. In the background are waiting chairs, while in front is a large advertising stand in the colors and with the logo of the Berlin 2023 Games.
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By the way, a typical volunteer day starts with the check-in in the volunteer lounge. After a brief hello with the team, the day's planning begins: What needs to be done? Where are we going?

Everyone should gain fresh impressions and experiences, and of course fun should not be neglected. Because one thing is certain: Without the help of the volunteers, there would be no Special Olympics World Games Berlin 2023.


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