Countdown to the Games
17-25 June 2023

Last chance: Be part of the Special Olympics Festival

The photo shows a band performing at the Special Olympics Festival 2022. In the foreground you can see the singer standing on the stage with her guitar.
220621_Nationale Sommerspiele2022_SO-Festival_fetedelamusique_Alexandra Alden

The Special Olympics Festival invites you to a colorful, diverse and inclusive program of culture and sports as part of the Games. All organizers of offers and activities that would like to be integrated into the festival can still apply until 31 January 2023.
The Special Olympics Festival will take place at the two locations Neptunbrunnen (Berlin Mitte) and in the Sommergarten of Messe Berlin. More information is available here:



The festival at Neptunbrunnen

At Neptunbrunnen, we offer an entertaining mix of cultural stage program, information & action booths, sports activations, workshops and delicious street food. A diverse stage program with music, show, dance and much more ensures the best atmosphere.

  • When: 15 to 25 June 2023
  • Opening hours (subject to change): Daily from 14:00 to 22:00 hrs.
    Exceptions: On 17, 22 and 25 June the festival closes already at 19:00.
  • Where: Neptunbrunnen, Rathausstraße 1, 10718 Berlin-Mitte (next to Alexanderplatz and the Red Town Hall)

At Neptunbrunnen, applications are possible as exhibitors for a stands, as workshop providers or with a program part for the cultural stage.

The photo shows a scene during the Special Olympics Festival 2022. Many people are crowding around the booths and in front of the stage where a band is performing.
220621_Nationale Sommerspiele2022_SO-Festival_fetedelamusique

The festival at Sommergarten (Messe Berlin)

There will also be a variety of festival activities for all visitors and athletes in the Sommergarten at Messe Berlin from 18 to 25 June 2023. A variety of hands-on activities, stands and walking acts will awaken the special festival character and invite you to participate.

  • When: 18 to 25 June 2022
  • Opening hours (subject to change): Daily from 11:00 to 19:00 hrs.
  • Where: Sommergarten of Messe Berlin, Messedamm 22, 14055 Berlin-Charlottenburg (centrally located in the middle of the Berlin exhibition grounds)

For the festival in Sommergarten, applications are possible as exhibitors.


Your application

The application deadline for both locations of the Special Olympics Festival is 31 January 2023. Apply now as an exhibitor for a booth, as a workshop provider or with a program for the cultural stage:



Please note that this is an application and not a binding registration. After the deadline, the LOC will get back to you in a timely manner.

If you have any questions, please contact us by e-mail at


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