Countdown to the Games
17-25 June 2023

Our Cultural Program has officially started

The photo shows people performing a dance with balls. Everyone is laughing and enjoying themselves. In the background the audience is clapping.

The Special Olympics World Games Berlin 2023 are more than sports: Our Cultural Program includes over 120 inclusive offers from the Berlin cultural sector. The official opening took place today at the Humboldt Forum.

The Humboldt Forum is part of the Museum Island in Berlin and an impressive building – both inside and out. Very fitting, then, that the Cultural Program was officially opened today at this special location.

The focus was on the photo exhibition "Special Olympics Portrait Project", which is displayed in the large foyer as well as on the first floor with more than 60 photos. Luca Siermann has been photographing athletes for this since 2004 and shows them directly before and after the competitions, authentic as they are. The exhibition can be visited until 10 July, admission is free.

Daniela Huhn, Special Olympics World Games participant in badminton and portrayed by the photo project, said: "I was very nervous at the time, but was pleased that a photo was taken. I am very happy with my picture. Now I'm looking forward to the Games, then we can finally show what we are capable of."

More information about all inclusive offer of the Humboldt Forum is available here.

The photo shows photographer Luca Siermann with athlete Daniela Huhn in front of her photo. Both look cheerful.
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The photo shows Daniela Huhn, an athlete of the games on stage. She laughs happily and holds a microphone in her hand.
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The photo shows photos of athletes. They are in black and white with characteristic facial features.
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The photo shows an athlete with Sven Albrecht and people from politics and culture. They are holding hands and looking happy.
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About the Cultural Program: From 10 to 25 June, cultural institutions from all over Berlin join forces to offer an extraordinary program that reflects the spirit of inclusion and diversity that the Games stand for.

The Cultural Program is an important part of the Special Olympics Festival, which will also feature great events at the Neptunbrunnen (Alexanderplatz), in the Sommergarten of Messe Berlin and with highlight events at the Brandenburger Tor.




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