Countdown to the Games
17-25 June 2023

#Berlin2023 Day 1: What's on the agenda today?

Auf dem Foto sind zwei Personen zu sehen. Die Athletin der Rhythmischen Sportgymnastik zeigt "peace" und die Frau neben ist lacht fröhlich.

It's Day 1 of the Games and we are looking forward to the first medal decisions in gymnastics-rhythmic, the start of many competitions, the official opening of the Healthy Athletes® program and much more. An overview of the highlights of the day can be found here.

  • Today 16 sports start with the divisioning.
  • The first medals will already be awarded in the gymnastics-rhythmic all around event.
  • The Family Sports Festival takes place at Brandenburger Tor.
  • The Healthy Athletes® program will be ceremoniously opened in the presence of Health Minister Karl Lauterbach.
  • The Special Olympics Festival invites you to enjoy music, performances and activities in the Sommergarten at Messe Berlin.

For the many athletes, things will get serious from today onwards: a total of 16 sports will start their competitions, after gymnastics-rhythmic kicked off yesterday. By the way, the first medals in the all around competition will already be awarded today, starting at 18:30 hrs. in the Sommergarten of Messe Berlin.


The Special Olympics Festival is already in full swing at the Neptunbrunnen and with the Cultural Program throughout Berlin. Today, in the Sommergarten
of Messe Berlin we will also get started with a special stage program (14:00-16:30).

In the photo there are several performers on the stage. They are waving flags. All of them are in a good mood.
Special Olympics World Games 2023 Berlin 15.06.2023 Special Olympics Festival am Neptunbrunnen vor dem Roten Rathaus in Berlin-Mitte Foto: Tilo Wiedensohler/camera4
Tilo Wiedensohler/Tilo Wiedensohler/camera4

In addition, the family sports festival in cooperation with the Landessportbund Berlin (LSB) will take place at Brandenburger Tor from 11:00 hrs. onward as a highlight for all age groups.

Our Special Olympics health program is called Healthy Athletes® and specializes in the needs of people with intellectual disabilities. The goal: to reduce inequalities in the health care system and break down barriers of health care.

The program offers all participants free examinations, education and recommendations for further treatment. The official opening will take place today at Messe Berlin (CityCube Level A) in the presence of Health Minister Karl Lauterbach, among others, which underlines the importance of the program.

On the photo you can see the stage and a big screen at the GYLS.

Messe Berlin is the main venue during our Games. Three congresses are also currently taking place here: The Global Athlete Congress, the Global Youth Leadership Summit and the Global Forum for Inclusion.

Athletes, young people with and without disabilities and international government representatives from all over the world meet and discuss what needs to happen on the way to a more inclusive society. An important discourse that will hopefully bring many sustainable improvements. Participation in the congresses is by invitation only.

For last-minute visitors, tickets can still be purchased online or on site (card payment only).



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