Countdown to the Games
17-25 June 2023

Come by and experience the Special Olympics Festival

The photo shows two judoka performing on stage. They look concentrated.
Special Olympics World Games 2023 Schönefeld 12.06.2023 Ankunft der Delegationen / Teams am Flughafen BER Team USA Foto: Tilo Wiedensohler/camera4
Tilo Wiedensohler/Tilo Wiedensohler/camera4

The SO Festival is a unique and inclusive experience for all sports and culture enthusiasts: From live music, to inclusive theater and cultural offerings, to hands-on activities at exhibitors stands and workshops. We offer it all.

The aim of the festival is to bring sport and culture together. And this happens from today onward not only with the Cultural Program – already running since 10 June – but also at the large festival site at Neptunbrunnen, directly in front of Alexanderplatz.

With several "La Ola" waves, today our mascot Unity opened the festival at Neptunbrunnen. And the audience joined in enthusiastically. Additionally, the Happy Dancers provided the right dancing mood.

The photo shows two women with the mascot Unity. They are pointing their thumbs up and smiling.

The official opening on stage was rounded off by a great performance by Circus Sonnenstich. The ensemble has been around for more than 25 years now. Solidad and Oskar showed what great tricks are possible with a diabolo. And there was enthusiastic applause from the audience for it.

Why is Circus Sonnenstich so successful? Coach Kaleen has a simple explanation: "Our artists start training early and then stay with us for a long time."

The music had hardly started and there was already dancing in front of the stage. Among the dancers was the German golf team, which will train and play for medals in Bad Saarow, Brandenburg.

Anna, who dances with great pleasure, was one of them. "I find everything very beautiful here," she says. A year ago at the National Games in Berlin, she won gold. Her goal for this year: "I want to win gold again."

Among the visitors of the festival on the first day were many Special Olympics athletes, but also a lot of interested Berliners and tourists strolled through the area.

All information about the Special Olympics Festival at Neptunbrunnen, the complete stage program, the exhibitor and partner list as well as the workshop offer can be discovered here:



The photo shows visitors of the SO festival. Some are playing table tennis, others are watching. The mood is relaxed.
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In the photo there are several performers on the stage. They are waving flags. All of them are in a good mood.
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On the photo you can see a little girl. She smiles at our mascot Unity and is very happy.
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The photo shows a table soccer at the SO Festival at the Neptunbrunnen.
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The photo shows young women. They are looking at a photo exhibition at the SO Festival. They are laughing and look very happy.
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The photo shows a music group on the stage of the SO Festival. All musicians seem to be playing their instruments in a concentrated way.
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By the way: Starting on Sunday, 19 June, the 3x3 basketball competitions will also be held directly at Alexanderplatz, which – just like the festival at Neptunbrunnen itself – can be attended free of charge.

Other locations of the Special Olympics Festival are at Sommergarten (18-25 June) and with Highlight-Events at Brandenburger Tor.



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